chrome : apps

Download and install the best free apps for Chrome Extensions on Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android from CNET, your trusted source for the top software picks. ... Found a webpage, image, or quote that you want to save for later? With the Google .

相關軟體 Disconnect 下載

Disconnect 是一套 Chrome 瀏覽器的外掛套件,它能禁止 Facebook、Google、Twitter、Yahoo、Digg 等等進行網路對使用者進行網路行為追蹤的小工具。例如Facebook不會知道你在哪些網站按了多少讚、Google也不會知道你的瀏覽喜好來,並推薦廣告。雖然這些跟蹤本身沒有安全的危害,但你若不想要這些私人瀏覽資訊被 Google 、Yahoo! 、 Faceb...

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  • Launch Chrome apps using a fancy popup. Reorder them as you like using drag'n'drop...
    Apps Launcher - Chrome Web Store
  • Launch Chrome apps using a fancy popup. Reorder them as you like.
    Apps Launcher - Chrome 線上應用程式商店 - Google
  • WeVideo Next is an easy to use storyboard-style video editor that allows you to arrange an...
    Chrome Apps for your desktop - Google
  • Download and install the best free apps for Chrome Extensions on Windows, Mac, iOS, and An...
    Chrome Extensions Software - Free Software, Apps, and Games ...
  • Discover great apps, games, extensions and themes for Google Chrome. ... There was a probl...
    Chrome Web Store
  • Discover great apps, games, extensions and themes for Google Chrome.
    Chrome Web Store - Apps - Google
  • Discover great apps, games, extensions and themes for Google Chrome.
    Chrome Web Store - For Your Desktop
  • 你可以在 Android 手機和平板電腦上使用你喜愛的 Google Chrome 瀏覽器快速瀏覽網路,就像在電腦上使用 Google Chrome 一樣。Google Chrom...
    Chrome 瀏覽器 - Google - Google Play Android 應用程式
  • 幫你的Google Chrome 物色各種實用有趣的應用程式、遊戲、擴充功能和主題。 ... Android 應用程式和遊戲. 在Android 和Chrome 作業系統裝置上皆可...
    Chrome 線上應用程式商店- 應用程式 - Google
  • Small programs that add new features to your browser and personalize your browsing experie...
    Google Chrome extension - Chrome Web Store
  • Google Chrome is a fast, easy to use, and secure web browser. Designed for Android, Chrome...
    Google Chrome: Fast & Secure - Android Apps on Google ...
  • You can install apps from the Chrome Web Store. Once you've installed them, you can ke...
    Install and manage apps - Chrome Web Store Help - Google Support
  • Contents Manifest colors images properties tints Important: Chrome will be removing suppor...
    Themes - Google Chrome
  • Important: Chrome will be removing support for Chrome Apps on Windows, Mac, and Linux. Chr...
    Transitioning from Chrome apps on Windows, Mac, and Linux - ...
  • Why build a Chrome App? By building a Chrome App, as opposed to going with a traditional w...
    What Are Chrome Apps? - Google Chrome
  • Important: Chrome will be removing support for Chrome Apps on Windows, Mac, and Linux. Chr...
    What Are Chrome Apps? - Google Chrome - Chrome: developer